After flying a bunch of years for different virtual airlines I needed some diversifying in my virtual aviation career. I guess it's the kind of diversifying you can only get flying virtual as the pilots I know who have spent a career flying for real can count their type ratings on one hand. One nice gentleman I talked to a bit started out flying smaller Cessnas, then moved to the Convair 440, next flew the Fokker F-28 for a bunch of years and finished flying the Boeing 737-500 for a few years and that was his entire career.
So I guess my flying is absolutely not very real in that way, but I guess the thing that kept my interest for flying flightsimulators is the ability to diversify. To one day fly a small Cessna around Alaska to the next bring a 767 in UPS colors to a halt at Louisville, Kentucky.
Me and my fiancé just bought a house and moved in so my flying

is not going anywhere but last night I got to start a longer flight from Long Beach to Louisville. I took it in the 727 from HJG which I have talked about here before, not exactly the correct paint job since I used a old european DHL paint but that I guess is another nice thing about flightsimming, anything goes!
There is something satisfying with putting the wheels down on the tarmac after a 5 hour flight and taxiing it to the cargo ramp. The flight I undertook was as a pilot for
virtual UPS which is one of the virtual airlines I belong to and one that lets me fly some other types of aircraft and flights than the pure passenger virtual airlines I belong to.
So here is a toast to flightsimming and maybe not keeping it all that real but to have fun!