I stumbled across this site while looking at the new files at as there was a repaint of the Antonov 148 and the repaint was for a model by Samdesign. I've seen some pics of the An-148 at adn found it somewhat fascinating although I would probably never log many hours in it but when I found a model for it for fs9 I was intrigued.
But as I soon discovered the An-148 was hardly the only aircraft available at the Samdesign website and they have kept themselves quite busy with the production of a number of very high quality aircrafts for flightsimmers.

Apart from the An-148 we can find the Tupolev Tu-128, the Ilyushin Il-96 and IL-86, the Antonov An-22, Tupolev Tu-95MS and Tu-142M, the Mudry CAP-10B, the Airbus 320 family, the Antonov An-24, Yakovlev Yak-42, the Tupolev Tu-124, the Tupolev Tu-116 and Tu-126.
So there are quite a lot of models to try out and learn, the ones I tried
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