After waking up early, preparing the route and flightplan, the fuel calculations, starting fs9, inputting all the data into the fmc, connecting to vatsim with squawkbox and putting all the information into that I headed out of Amsterdam/Schipol airport in the iFDG MD11 in Martinair's colors bound for Bogota Eldorado airport. Definitely a long haul.
I used Alain Capt's panel for

the MD11, somewhat modified to include the ISG software. A panel that I really like, the only thing is the viewpoint which I might modify if I ever get around to it. But for now a couple of taps on shift+return works too.

I use the PMDG checklist for its MD11 even though I don't use the model itself. The good thing about having a girlfriend that does scrap booking as a hobby is that sometimes I get to borrow her stuff and create cool looking checklists.

So this is my cockpit, on the right, I wish I could fit my yoke and pedals but for now they are grounded in the cupboard.

The route of the day across the Atlantic. It is almost 5000 nm long and I plan it will take me about 11 hours to complete. I found it on
vataware but inputted it in FSBuild and then modified the fuel and weights section.

On my way across the Atlantic, FL340 and ETA at SKBO is 1812Z.